Monday, February 27, 2012

Kit Kat Cake

A friend asked me to make a birthday cake for her daughter on the weekend. She was turing 4 and is such a cutie! I have seen this idea floating around on Pinterest and another friend is actually making it for her daughter in March, so I thought I would try it out. It is super simple and quick to make. The perfect cake to squeeze in on a busy weekend.

I used cake mixes, much faster and realistically the kids were only going to care about the candy on top, I knew that. I made one chocolate and one white cake mix.

I trimmed the top of the chocolate cake, just with a big 'ol bread knife to make it level, added a layer of chocolate frosting and put the white cake on top. I used pre-made frosting....I have an almost 4 year old and a 5 month old....I had to be realistic with my time!

Once the cake was completely iced I added the Kit Kat bars. I used regular size bars, breaking them in half so they were in pairs. They just press into the icing on the side, and because of their shape they easily stay put. I used 8 packages of Kit Kat bars, I think, I forgot to count!

The cakes I have seen online used M&Ms, but we are a peanut-free house, so I used smarties instead. It took 2 bags of smarties, the ones you buy in the big candy aisle.

Finally I added a cutesy pink bow and tied it in a knot. I attempted a bow, but it didn't go so well, I think I like the knot better anyway.

The kids loved it and couldn't wait to have a piece. It actually cut quite well using the pairs of Kit Kats as a guide. Definitely a candy-lovers cake!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great ... and simple enough even for me. You could do a Easter one with little candies bunnies on top, or cute jelly beans.
